October 22, 2024

Are You Ready for Here and Now?

“It ain’t over till it’s over.” Yogi Berra

As a baseball fan, this year’s World Series was particularly enjoyable. The games were entertaining and memorable. Some say Game 6 was the best baseball game ever. It’s hard to disagree.

It was in the top of the ninth when Joe Buck and Tim McCarver announced the Chevrolet Play of the Game, as it seemed Texas was on the way to its first title.

Don’t they understand baseball? The game isn’t over till the last out is recorded. That’s the essence of baseball. No time clock — just the next at bat, the next pitch, the next hit, the next out.  As Yogi wisely said, “It ain’t over till it’s over.”

Watching the rest of this fantastic game, there were at least 4 more plays, at the moment they happened, that could have been named the “play of the game.”

With the World Series over, players from both teams can be with their families until what’s next in their lives. The Cardinal players will get their championship rings, remember plays of the games, remember plays of the series, and be champions through 2011. At the same time, each player will go on with daily living. Cardinals Manager Tony La Russa retires at the top of his game, to his next pitch and ballplayers will play for the Cardinals or another team. It’s doubtful if any players just live on the laurels of 2011. Their lives are changed and, I expect, they will have pleasant experiences.

Baseball is a metaphor of life: it is always only the play of our life — so far. When the play goes well, enjoy it. When the play is difficult, learn from it. Until the end, be ready for the now of this next pitch. Here and now is what’s important. Be with family. Be ready for the pitch!



  1. Although I am not a huge baseball fan, I could relate to this post. I especially love the line, “Here and now is what’s important.” There are no truer words. My goal each day is to enjoy the “moments,” since the years seem to go by so quickly. Thanks, Bill!